What Happened To The Cornelia Marie?

With the Cornelia Marie back by Season 14 — this time co-captained by Josh Harris and Casey McManus — Harris offered insight into the vessel's one-year break from filming. (The Marie still worked the crab season that year, he said.) Speaking with Yahoo! Entertainment, Josh said that during the break, he had family issues to contend with like the death of his grandfather, Captain Grant Harris, and the substance use issues and assault faced by his brother, Jake Harris (pictured, above left).

After original Cornelia Marie captain Phil Harris' sudden death, Josh and his brother, Jake Harris, tried and failed to buy the boat, but by Season 14, Jake and co-captain McManus had an ownership stake, Country Living reports. Referring to the Season 13 departure, Josh continued (via Yahoo! Entertainment), "I had a lot of family issues going on. I had [multiple] people in ICU at the same time, and that put a kibosh on things — I had to be home. Going to visit everybody in ICU isn't exactly a fun time or stuff that necessarily needs to be filmed."

Josh also mentioned he hoped his brother, Jake, might return to crabbing once his personal issues were dealt with. "[N]obody wants to see this boat just disappear. They want to see the whole legacy keep going ... [W]e're definitely back, and we're ready to show the world what we can do at full force, a little bit smarter, and with a lot better boat," he said.
