[Update] Isabella de la Houssaye Death, David Crane wife died at 59 after cancer battle

Isabella de la Houssaye: A Life of Adventure, Philanthropy, and Courage

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Isabella de la Houssaye Death: Isabella de la Houssaye, a lawyer, adventurer, and philanthropist, lived a remarkable life that touched the hearts of many. Born and raised in New York, she graduated from Harvard Law School and worked at prestigious firms before co-founding a private equity firm with her husband. However, her journey was tragically cut short when she passed away at the age of 59 after a battle with cancer. Her death left her family and friends devastated, as they mourned the loss of a brilliant, inspiring, and compassionate soul. In this article, we explore the impact of Isabella de la Houssaye’s life and the legacy she leaves behind.


Isabella de la Houssaye: A Life Remembered


Isabella de la Houssaye was a remarkable individual whose life was filled with adventure, philanthropy, and a passion for making a difference. Born and raised in New York, she pursued a successful career as a lawyer, leaving her mark on prestigious firms and co-founding a private equity firm alongside her husband, David Crane. However, Isabella’s legacy extends far beyond her professional achievements. She was a loving wife, a devoted mother, and a source of inspiration for all who knew her. Her vibrant personality, unwavering kindness, and deep commitment to her family, friends, and the environment will forever be remembered. Join us as we celebrate the extraordinary life of Isabella de la Houssaye and the lasting impact she had on the world.

Isabella de la Houssaye’s Life and Accomplishments

Early Life and Education

Isabella de la Houssaye’s journey began in New York, where she was born and raised. From a young age, she displayed a remarkable intellect and a thirst for knowledge. After completing her primary education, Isabella went on to pursue higher education at Harvard Law School, where she honed her legal skills and developed a passion for advocating for justice. Her time at Harvard not only provided her with a solid foundation in law but also instilled in her a sense of purpose and a desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Professional Career and Philanthropy

Following her graduation from Harvard Law School, Isabella embarked on a successful career as a lawyer, leaving an indelible mark on the legal profession. She worked at prestigious firms such as Cravath, Swaine & Moore and Sullivan & Cromwell, where she showcased her expertise and dedication to her clients. However, Isabella’s ambitions extended beyond the courtroom. Alongside her husband, David Crane, she co-founded and managed a private equity firm, Level Equity, which allowed her to combine her legal acumen with her entrepreneurial spirit.

But Isabella’s impact was not limited to the corporate world. She was a passionate philanthropist, using her resources and influence to support numerous charitable causes and organizations. Her commitment to making a difference was evident in her involvement in various initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Isabella’s philanthropic endeavors touched the lives of countless individuals and communities, leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and generosity.

Throughout her life, Isabella de la Houssaye exemplified the values of dedication, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Her achievements in the legal field, her entrepreneurial spirit, and her unwavering commitment to philanthropy serve as an inspiration to all. Isabella’s impact on the world will continue to be felt for generations to come, as her legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of those she touched.

Isabella de la Houssaye’s Battle with Cancer

Diagnosis and Treatment

Isabella de la Houssaye’s life took an unexpected turn when she received a devastating diagnosis in 2019. She was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer, a challenging and aggressive disease. Despite the difficult prognosis, Isabella faced her diagnosis with unwavering strength and determination. She sought out the best medical care available and embarked on a rigorous treatment plan, undergoing surgeries and various therapies in her fight against cancer.

Throughout her battle, Isabella displayed incredible resilience and a positive outlook. She approached each treatment with courage and a fierce determination to overcome the odds. Her unwavering spirit inspired not only her family and friends but also countless others who were touched by her story. Isabella’s journey with cancer served as a testament to the power of hope and the strength of the human spirit.

Passing and Funeral Arrangements

Sadly, Isabella de la Houssaye’s battle with cancer came to an end on Saturday, the 3rd of December 2023. Surrounded by her loved ones, she passed away peacefully at her home in Princeton, New Jersey. Her passing was a profound loss for her family, friends, and the community she touched with her kindness and generosity.

In accordance with Isabella’s wishes, she was cremated, and her ashes were scattered in her favorite places, symbolizing her eternal connection to the world she loved and cherished. The funeral arrangements were a reflection of Isabella’s vibrant spirit and her love for life. Family and friends gathered to celebrate her remarkable journey, sharing stories, and honoring her legacy of resilience, compassion, and unwavering determination.

Isabella de la Houssaye’s battle with cancer serves as a reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the importance of cherishing every moment. Her legacy will continue to inspire others to face adversity with courage and to live life to the fullest. Though she may be gone, Isabella’s impact on the world and the lives she touched will forever be remembered.

Impact on Family and Friends

Heartbreak and Grief

The passing of Isabella de la Houssaye has left a profound void in the lives of her family and friends. Her husband, David Crane, who shared 35 years of marriage with her, is heartbroken and inconsolable. Isabella was not only his soulmate but also his partner and best friend. Her absence has left a deep sense of loss that is difficult to put into words. The pain of her departure is felt by her children as well, who admired and cherished their mother’s love, guidance, and unwavering support.

Isabella’s extended family and close friends are also grappling with the immense grief caused by her passing. She was a beacon of light in their lives, always offering a listening ear, a comforting presence, and wise counsel. Her absence is felt in every gathering, every celebration, and every moment that she would have been a part of. The void left by Isabella’s departure is a testament to the impact she had on the lives of those who were fortunate enough to know her.

Remembering Isabella’s Legacy

While the pain of Isabella’s loss is immeasurable, her family and friends find solace in the memories they shared with her and the legacy she leaves behind. Isabella’s remarkable life was filled with love, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of making a difference. Her family and friends remember her as a brilliant, creative, and inspiring individual who had a unique vision and voice.

Isabella’s legacy extends beyond her professional achievements and philanthropic endeavors. She was a loving and devoted wife, mother, and friend who touched the lives of those around her with her kindness, generosity, and unwavering support. Her vibrant personality, her zest for life, and her ability to bring people together will forever be cherished.

As her loved ones navigate through their grief, they find comfort in honoring Isabella’s memory by continuing her work and embodying the values she held dear. They strive to make a positive impact on the world, just as she did, and to carry forward her legacy of resilience, compassion, and unwavering determination.

Isabella de la Houssaye’s presence may no longer be physically felt, but her spirit lives on in the hearts of her family and friends. The memories they shared and the lessons she imparted will forever be a source of inspiration and strength. Isabella’s impact on their lives is a testament to the extraordinary person she was and the love she shared with all those fortunate enough to have known her.


Age at the Time of Death

Isabella de la Houssaye was 59 years old at the time of her passing. Throughout her life, she accomplished remarkable feats and made a lasting impact on those around her.

Cause of Death

Isabella de la Houssaye’s battle with cancer came to an end when she passed away peacefully at her home in Princeton, New Jersey. She had been diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2019 and had undergone various treatments and surgeries in her courageous fight against the disease.

Isabella’s Husband and Children

Isabella de la Houssaye’s husband is David Crane, a 60-year-old engineer who serves as the Under Secretary for Infrastructure at the U.S. Department of Energy. Together, they shared a deep and loving bond for 35 years. Isabella and David raised five children named Cason, Bella, Oliver, Christopher, and James. Each of their children has followed in their parents’ footsteps, becoming lawyers, adventurers, and philanthropists in their own right.

Isabella’s Career and Interests

Isabella de la Houssaye’s professional journey was marked by excellence and a passion for making a difference. She worked as a lawyer, utilizing her legal expertise at prestigious firms such as Cravath, Swaine & Moore and Sullivan & Cromwell. Additionally, Isabella co-founded and managed a private equity firm, Level Equity, alongside her husband, David Crane.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Isabella had a deep love for music, art, and literature. She found solace and inspiration in classical, folk, and world music, and had a keen appreciation for impressionist and modern art. Isabella’s love for literature extended to poetry and novels, which allowed her to explore different worlds and perspectives.

Isabella’s Personality and Impact

Isabella de la Houssaye was not only known for her professional achievements but also for her remarkable personality. She was kind, generous, and humble, always putting the needs of others before her own. Isabella cared deeply about her family, friends, and the environment, and her actions reflected her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

Her legacy of resilience, compassion, and unwavering determination continues to inspire those who knew her. Isabella’s impact on her family, friends, and the causes she supported will forever be remembered. Her extraordinary life serves as a reminder to embrace each day with gratitude, to pursue our passions relentlessly, and to leave a lasting impact on the lives of others.

Isabella de la Houssaye, a lawyer, adventurer, and philanthropist, passed away at the age of 59 due to cancer. She was a remarkable individual who co-founded a private equity firm and supported various charitable causes. Her death has left a profound impact on her family and friends, especially her husband, David Crane, who described her as his soulmate and inspiration. Isabella’s legacy will be remembered through her accomplishments and the love she shared with her loved ones. Rest in peace, Isabella de la Houssaye.
