Shana Darnell Obituary, Atlanta GA, Creative Account Manager Photography at Cisco Has Passed Away


Shana Darnell Obituary, Death – We mourn the loss of Atlanta’s beloved creative community member Shana Darnell. Our thoughts are weighty. Known for her passion, originality, and commitment, Shana died on Sunday, October 15, 2023, leaving an irreplaceable void. Her sudden death has shocked and saddened many because of her outstanding personality. Shana Darnell was a creative luminary, and her premature death has touched everyone who knew her.

In addition to her corporate job, Shana freelanced in photography and painting. Her unlimited artistic talent and unique worldview were evident in every shot and brushstroke. Her paintings transcended visual depiction and showed her limitless creativity. Friends, coworkers, and others she touched have offered condolences and tributes since her death was announced.

Shana Darnell had a huge impact on Atlanta’s creative community, and her legacy will inspire many aspiring photographers and artists. Shana’s family requests our thoughts and prayers as we mourn the loss of a talented artist and kind companion. Bereavement causes unspeakable agony, yet the community’s love and support may help. Shana left an irreplaceable gap, but her memories, narratives, and influence will go on.

Her kindness and imagination will be remembered by those who knew her. After saying goodbye to Shana Darnell, we realize how fragile life is and how much one person can change a community. In honor of Shana, may we cherish our loved ones, pursue our goals, and constantly strive to improve ourselves, as she did during her wonderful life.

