Where Is Allen Pace Now? The Dunbar Armored Robbery's Mastermind Update

For six months after the heist, the accomplices did not use the large sum of cash in case they get caught. They bought real estate, cars, and houses to get rid of the cash. 

Eugene Hill was caught two years after the infamous robbery when he forgot to remove the original currency wrappers from a stack of cash while buying a new real estate. The broker got suspicious and called the police. The police soon arrested Hill and also caught the other members of the gang. The gang of robbers was arrested and sentenced. 

All of the stolen $18.9 million from the Dunbar Armored Robbery has still not been recovered. Around $5 million was recovered by the FBI, IRS, and LAPD in the form of cars, houses, and other equivalents.

The rest of the money was spent while gambling in Las Vegas and some of the money was even burnt by the robbers to decrease suspicions as the bills could be traced. Eugene and one of the people who laundered the money reportedly wrote cheques of almost $1.5 million as investments for down payments to buy houses. 

Even after tracing the money, more than $10 million is still not accounted for. It is said that the cash is hidden somewhere by the robbers but they won't give up the location of the hidden money. The inspector believes that there are more people who have not been caught yet who know about the hidden money. 

The robbery is one of the most famous in the country and there are many movies and series made based on the heist. The Dunbar Heist was released in an episode of Masterminds on July 16, 2003. It has been featured in season 5 as The Price of Greed in the show the FBI Files. There is also a movie in the works based on the robbery produced by Charm City Kings producer Caleeb Pinkett. 

Inside the Heist, produced by Twenty Six 03 is a crime docuseries that will be of six episodes each of sixty minutes. The first episode of the series will be related to 1997 the Dunbar Armored Robbery. The show's first episode titled the Dunbar Security Job will drop in November 2022, on Discovery+ in the UK. 

Some FAQs

How many people were involved?

There were six people involved in the robbery.

When did the Dunbar Armored Robbery occur?

The robbery occurred in 1997.

Where are the culprits of the Dunbar Armored Robbery?

The culprits of the Dunbar Armored Robbery are now free after serving time in prison.

For how long was Allen Pace in prison?

Allen Pace was sentenced to 24 years in prison.
