What did Gabriel Chavez do? Granada Hills Charter High School basketball coach arrested for relatio

Gabriel Chavez, a previous b-ball mentor at Granada Slopes Sanction Secondary School, has been captured for having a claimed s*xual relationship with a minor. Chavez, who is an inhabitant of Chatsworth, is at present being hung on a $310,000 bail. He is 36 years of age and was captured on Wednesday, April 19.

Trigger Admonition: This article contains notices of kid misuse. Perusers’ carefulness is encouraged.

The Police Division claims that the relationship being referred to conceivably started when Chavez was a mentor at Granada Slopes Sanction Secondary School. The school is situated close to the 10500 block of Zelzah Road.

Gabriel Chavez was a mentor at Granada Slopes Sanction Secondary School until January 2023. As per the Los Angeles Police Division, Chavez has a past filled with being utilized at and chipping in different youth programs all through the city of Los Angeles.

Criminal investigators with the LA Police Office’s Devonshire Region S*xual Attack Analyst Division and staff from the school have requested different casualties from his violations to approach. They accept there is plausible that more people were mishandled by Gabriel Chavez or were observers to his unseemly way of behaving.

Anybody with extra data is encouraged to report something very similar to the police or reach out to the Devonshire Region S*xual Attack Agents, Analyst II Danielle Tumbleson, and Criminal investigator III Ruben Arellano, at 818-832-0609.

One more instructor was as of late captured for s*xually attacking an understudy at Largo Secondary School
The Sovereign George’s District educator, Lonnie Elias Jr., was captured after a lady supposedly guaranteed that she was attacked by him when she was an understudy at Largo Secondary School.

The District Police were told by the lady on September 30 of an attack that happened in 2015-2017. Lonnie Elias Jr. was the casualty’s educator at that point. Elias Jr. was put on regulatory obligation not long after agents advised the Government funded Schools on October 3.

Elias Jr. has been a music educator and band chief at Sovereign George’s District State funded Schools beginning around 2007. He purportedly didn’t have contact with the understudies of the school after police informed the arrangement of the episode.

The Express Lawyer’s Office introduced the situation for prosecution on October 18 and a Great Jury gave a warrant for Elias Jr. for S*x Maltreatment of a Minor and other related charges.

Tending to the episode, the director composed a letter that said:

“This is dispiriting information for the Largo Secondary School and Global Secondary School people group. We comprehend that understudies, staff and families will encounter a large number of feelings.”

“We need to guarantee you that any way of behaving that carries damage to an understudy won’t go on without serious consequences in any capacity. We stay focused on guaranteeing quality training in a protected climate for all understudies.”
Aisha Braveboy, State Lawyer, said that the charges for the situation were serious and disturbing. She asserted that we should have the option to trust the educators and other school authorities to safeguard the youngsters. Educators ought to be considered responsible when they participate in harmful way of behaving.
