Where is the Grangerford house in Huck Finn?

In Kentucky: the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons Huck is given shelter on the Kentucky side of the river by the Grangerfords, an “aristocratic” family. He befriends Buck Grangerford, a boy about his age, and learns that the Grangerfords are engaged in a 30-year blood feud against another family, the Shepherdsons.Click to see full answer. Accordingly, where is the Phelps farm located in Huck Finn?Petersburg is a fictional town but is supposed to be located where the actual town of Hannibal, Missouri, is. They then take the river, getting off and on periodically, all the way down to the Phelps’ farm which is somewhere near Chatham, Mississippi.Subsequently, question is, how does Buck die in Huckleberry Finn? The next day, Huck learns that Sophia Grangerford has run off with Harney Shepherdson. In the woods, Huck finds Buck and a nineteen-year-old Grangerford in a gunfight with the Shepherdsons. Both of the Grangerfords are killed. Deeply disturbed, Huck heads for Jim and the raft, and the two shove off downstream. Correspondingly, who are the Grangerfords in Huck Finn? The family in question is the Grangerfords, consisting of Colonel Grangerford, the father; the grandmother, known as ‘the old lady’; Bob, the oldest son; Tom, second oldest; and then the daughters, Charlotte (age 25) and Sophia (age 20). There is also Buck, the youngest.How does Huck describe the Grangerfords home?The Grangerfords’ house is grand and imposing, and Huck is totally overwhelmed by it. The Grangerfords are an aristocratic Southern clan and their house reflects their massive wealth. They have servants everywhere, and also a fair bit of land.
