Bull Nakano Was Hospitalized With Liver Disease Due To Alcohol Abuse

Former WWF Women’s Champion Bull Nakano recently spoke to “Oricon News,” and in a candid conversation, she revealed the details of her struggles with alcohol abuse.

Nakano revealed that in July last year, she had to be hospitalized to treat her liver cirrhosis, which had resulted from years of alcohol abuse. The former champion stated that she was suffering from hair loss, flaky skin, and a swollen abdomen.

Nakano also stated that she had been avoiding hospitalization despite needing it, since she still had a job to do and could not take too many days off. However, ultimately she could not put it off any longer.

Nakano revealed that her husband was quite concerned about her, and urged her to go to the hospital everyday. However, she kept denying him, even going so far as to hide her symptoms from it.

I lived while hiding my stomach that was swollen with ascites, but I was finally found by my husband. So I went to the hospital together and decided to stay in the hospital.

Nakano revealed that it was difficult for her to imagine a life without drinking alcohol. However, she decided to not drink even after she got out of the hospital, which is something that has definitely helped her become healthier. Here’s hoping that she only continues to thrive here on out.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

November 18, 2021 1:38 pm
