LITTLE WOMEN DALLAS Lil Twerk Caylea Woodbury maternity photos, including dad Dquan Cage

Little Women Dallas pregnant Caylea Woodbury Lil Twerk

Little Women: Dallas star Caylea “Lil Twerk” Woodbury is 35 weeks pregnant, and she recently took to social media to share some amazing maternity photos she had taken by Brenagh Naser with Roar Photos.

“Today was an absolutely amazing day with [dad-to-be] @sincethen96 & [photographer] @beginnings_bybren!” Caylea captioned the photo above, posted last week. “I felt so beautiful.”

The 23-year-old mom-to-be shared another photo on Friday, this one including dad-to-be Dquan Cage, but not including a top:

A post shared by Offical LilTwrk (@liltwrk) on Aug 31, 2018 at 11:30am PDT

“To our son,” the caption begins, “Mom and Dad wants you to know to always love yourself, we want you to grow and be the best you can be … we took this picture because no matter what we go through in life Love and Acceptance comes first. We love you L.M.C can’t wait for you to be here.” (I believe that L.M.C. refers to their nickname for the baby, Little Man Cage.)

On Monday, Caylea posted yet another photo from the session. In the picture, she is topless yet again with only her own arms to cover herself. The result is a gorgeous photo — but a gorgeous photo that might not quite be SFW enough for our advertisers. Just click here to see it!

Given that Caylea is almost 8 months pregnant, it’s obvious that she and rapper dad Dquan will not be waiting much longer for the stork to arrive. Actually, baby L might even be a little late! Caylea shared this update on August 2 along with a sonogram: “Well looks like this one might be coming out sooner then planned. Baby L might be making his appearance in 4 weeks. Everything is perfect and of course still looking like his dad! (Hopefully has my attitude) I have to take it easy and can’t be to crazy active.”

Dquan provided a updated timeline just before midnight on August 23: “My Best friend Come In 2Weeks ❤️? LMC hurry up kid.”

Oh, and just in case amazing professionally shot maternity photos aren’t your thing, Caylea also shared a mirrored selfie showing off her baby bump at 35 weeks:

Little Women Dallas Lil Twerk pregnant

And, if you missed the couple’s great gender reveal video, here’s a brief clip for you:

I’m so thankful for both of you? thank you for always being there. LMC is so lucky for you. @eversincethen96

— Caylea Woodbury (@liltwrk) May 29, 2018

Congratulations to Caylea and Dquan — and we can’t wait to meet baby L!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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