Patrick Magliocco Wife, Relationship, Incident, Interview, Police Statement, Suspend And More

Patrick Magliocco Wife:- In Tennessee’s La Vergne Police Department, five officers were removed of their duties earlier this month after it was discovered that they were engaging in sex while on duty and exchanging graphic photographs.

Maegan Hall, who is alleged to have had relationships with several of her coworkers, including detective Seneca Shields, sergeant Lewis Powell, officer Larry Holladay, officer Juan Lugo, and sergeant Ty McGowan, is the subject of most of the attention.

Patrick Magliocco Wife

Petite Hall, who was up in a small Tennessee town and had ambitions to become an actress, quickly realised that she belonged in law enforcement, where she served for slightly over two years. Despite his wife’s adulterous escapades, Jedidiah still lives with Maegan in their first marital apartment in Manchester, Tennessee, which they bought a year earlier. Nashville is 60 miles south of Manchester. The couple started dating during their undergraduate years and got married in November 2018.


According to a report issued by the police department after an internal inquiry, Hall, 26, also shared a threesome with officer Patrick Magliocco and his wife. Hall initially disputed the allegations, but transcripts of interviews with the policemen involved in the sex scandal obtained by WSMV4 show that she has since admitted to the liaisons.

She told the department’s head of HR Andrew Patton how things went out of hand, saying, “Me and my husband were kind of on the cusp of a divorce and I just cracked and then it just kind of got out of hand.” Additionally, it was claimed that Hall and a number of other cops had traded nude pictures.


In other lengthy interviews, she acknowledged having oral sex with Powell in a police substation. When asked why she initially made up the claims, Hall stated that she didn’t want to destroy Powell’s career and that she was worried for her safety if she spoke out.

Hall claimed she had a lot of mental health issues as a result of the continuous scenario and once “dry fired” a gun near her head “so she could hear what it sounded like.” Prior to admitting their involvement with Hall, officers Lugo-Perez, Shields, Holladay, Powell, and Lugo-Perez all first rejected the charges.

Police Statement

McGowan acknowledged mailing Hall a nude photo, but she denied ever having sex with her. Gavin Schoeberl, a patrol officer who was punished for a week, claimed to have only ever received one nude message, which he deleted. He denied ever having a sexual relationship with Hall and said he was unaware of the other interactions in the transcripts.

Additionally, according to reports, fired sergeant McGowan attempted to persuade his wife Hall and her husband Jed to engage in sexual activity. The 26-year-old said that she and Magliocco once attempted to persuade their partners to switch wives.


When Mags was nearby, she said, Right by us and later If y’all start making out, maybe my husband Jed will get into the idea. Hall, Powell, and Lugo-Perez, as well as McGowan and Shields, were fired as a result of the revelations. And when we started making out, Jed was like, No. Magliocco and Holladay’s employment was put on hold. The inquiry is still open.

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