Is Roman Reigns' mother also a retired pro-wrestler?

Roman Reigns is well on his way to becoming one of the all-time greats in the history of professional wrestling. Considering he belongs to the Anoa'i Family, this is no surprise, for combat sports run wild through his veins.

The Anoa'i Family is arguably the richest dynasty in professional wrestling, only rivaled by the Hart Family. In addition to The Tribal Chief, all the remaining members of The Bloodline, minus Sami Zayn, i.e., Solo Sikoa and The Usos, are members of the tribe.

The Rock, Rikishi, Yokozuna, Umaga, and Rosey, Reigns' late brother, are also proud representatives of The Anoa'i Family. The Head of the Table's father, Sika, one-half of the Wild Samoans alongside Afa, is also one of the remaining elder members of the family.

Given his rich Samoan heritage and wrestling roots, professional wrestling was a natural route for a guy like Roman Reigns. Although his paternal lineage is loaded with accomplished wrestlers, what about his maternal line?

Patricia A. Anoa'i, the mother of Roman Reigns and the late Rosey, is not a former pro-wrestler, unlike her husband or sons. Not much is known about her because she remains hidden from the public.

Roman Reigns' mother has been seen supporting her son multiple times in live crowds

Although Patricia doesn't have a background in professional wrestling, she has been an ardent supporter of The Tribal Chief's endeavors. The former wife of Sika Anoa'i has been spotted in the front rows, cheering her son on during his bouts.

In fact, at WrestleMania 31, she wasn't pleased with her son not walking out of the Show of Shows with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The Big Dog's family was furious with the company for changing the ending at the last minute, as can be seen by Patricia's reaction to Seth Rollins running down the ramp to cash in on his contract to dash Reigns' dreams.

Roman Reigns shares a close relationship with his mother

Although his parents are separated, The Tribal Chief maintains a cordial and loving relationship with his mother. During a Mother's Day blog post, Reigns referred to his mom as his "hero" and a "one-woman support system" who has always supported, loved, and cared for him.

Despite not having a pro-wrestling background, Patricia did not hinder her son's pursuit of becoming a top WWE Superstar. She has been with Reigns every step of the way, helping him become one of the greatest entertainment wrestlers the world has ever seen.

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