Victoria 3: America (USA) Guide: How to Master This Nation

Are you excited to bolster the economy of America (USA) and expand your territory in Victoria 3? Are you interested to relive history but with the power to control the actions?

America, also known as USA, is one of the more powerful countries in Victoria 3, belonging to the Empire tier and denoted as a Colonial Country.

While it gives you an escape from the complicated systems in the European nations, mastering the nation can come with issues of its own.

Amidst these issues, let’s take a look at how you can boost the various aspects involving America and turn it into one of the greatest nations in Victoria 3!

How to Master America (USA) in Victoria 3?

Victoria 3 is a strategy-based game and there’s no one true way of mastering America. You can go about various ways and reach a successful position, as long as you’re completing the events properly and planning ahead of your actions.

However, I’ve prepared this guide to point out the most important aspects of the USA in Victoria 3, which you must focus on in order to succeed in the long run!

Banishing Slavery

Getting rid of slavery should be your first and foremost objective when you start playing the United States of America in Victoria 3.

You’ll notice slavery becoming a growing problem as you take your initial steps with USA. However, you can stop it pretty easily by favoring the anti-slavery groups and parties in powerful positions, such as the Whig Party.

Furthermore, go to the Legacy Slavery Law in the Politics section. Enact the Slavery Banned law and slavery will be admonished completely in a few years time.

In case you notice that there’s no noticeable change, you’ll need to weaken the pro-slavery parties, like the Southern Planters.

To weaken these parties politically, you’ll need to sweep through and change the laws that support the pro-slavery parties. In that way, their political strength can be reduced. You can suppress these parties too.

Always be on the lookout for efficient ways to get rid of slavery; it’s hugely beneficial in the long run and from a more real-life perspective, why would you want slavery in your nation, anyway?


America is a Colonial Country and you should be prompt in expanding your territories from the start. Colonial expansion isn’t too difficult either and you can easily colonize most states without any sort of inconvenience.

Just in case there are revolts or battles, do deploy some of your troops to take care of the rising problems. 10-15 of your troops should be enough for the colonization jobs.

Furthermore, through various events and expeditions, as well as agreements with Great Britain, you’ll earn control over more states and expand your colonial territory further. In fact, you can go as far as stopping the formation of Canada!

Do ensure that you’ve integrated all the states to the USA too, as some states aren’t actually integrated, even though they seem like it.

Now, moving out of America, you can try to colonize states in Africa. Some locations in Africa boasts technological advancements that will improve the state of your lands.

For example, on the southern side of Cameroon, you can find a solution to the malaria outbreak in your colonies with the anti-malaria production resources.

Another reason to colonize would be to obtain resources not available to you in the American lands.

So, you could opt for different parts of Africa that will help you get Rubber, for example. Colonizing efficiently will help to boost your economy with the additional goods.

Peace with Texas

Initially, you’ll notice that Texas are in war with Mexico and regardless of the outcome, focus on bettering the relationship with Texas with USA.

Once Peace reaches a certain level, Texas will join America on its own. Given that Texas doesn’t have a lot of factories or population, this may not seem worthwhile right now, but it’ll pay off in the long run!

Frontier Wars Against Mexico

The war against Mexico will be automatically introduced through events. The key task would be to conquer various states in and around Mexico.

It may seem pretty easy at first, since Mexico isn’t the strongest nation out there. But, you must be as strategic as possible and look out for possible issues.

Be aware of the allies of Mexico. If the allies are too strong and join Mexico in the war, you’ll end up in the losing position. So, before going into war, try to make the relationship with those allies better.

Along with that, keep track of the troops and battalions; things can get difficult if Mexico’s troops are matched with yours.

In that case, set up barracks and increase the number of troops. You can also boost your military by progressing up the Technology Tree.

Speaking of the Technology Tree, this aspect of USA in Victoria 3 is extremely enriched. America is well ahead when it comes to tech but it’s limited by the lack of people in the lands. This brings us to our next point – Population.


The population is quite low in most parts of America. Given the huge amount of resources available, lack of workers mean that these are not properly utilized in factories and industries.

Try to focus on the states with the most resources and increase the population in those areas first. You can do so by enacting laws like No Migration Control and Multiculturalism instead of Racial Segregation for Citizenship.

Furthermore, issuing a Greener Grass Campaign Decree on these areas will cause more people to migrate to these states. Building various industries and structures like the Statue of Liberty will also help to boost the migration rate.

Buildings and Industries

Initially, start by building factories to produce Coal, Iron, and Tools. Eventually, you’ll be able to set up power plants, focus on agricultural elements, manufacture steel and furniture as well.

Depending on the state of your economy, pursue these aspects with caution. If you feel like you won’t need a resource in the near future, delay its production and invest the money elsewhere.

As you raise the population, do make sure to spread out your factories over different states and don’t focus maximum production in one or two states only.

Some states are great for mining resources like coal, while others are great to build factories for production. Stick to the specialty of the respective states. It’s a bad idea to centralize your economical actions in one or two states.

For example, Pennsylvania is perfect for mining resources, so it’s better to focus on only this aspect for Pennsylvania and similar states.

In other states, like North Carolina, you can put up buildings and factories for manufacture of tools and utilities.

Further down the line, when you have larger money in hand, make sure you build at least the first level of the available resources in each state.


Increasing the taxes in America is a small, yet pretty effective change, especially after you’ve set up the factories and industries. America has low taxation levels, which is okay during the start.

But, as cost of running the country increases, increasing taxes will definitely help.

Wrapping Up

There are just so many options for you to pursue with USA in Victoria 3! I’ve mentioned the ones that I think are the most important and should be kept in mind in order to master while the nation of America.

You can conquer Canada or carry out a Diplomatic Play to turn Hawaii into a subject pact, like Dominion or Puppet!

You can even form a Customs Union with Russia! The outcomes of these actions will obviously be varied and may not be ideal, but there are endless options.

Managing USA in Victoria 3 is pretty exciting, and if you have some knowledge about the history of the country, you’ll enjoy it even more. Now, go on and take America to the top of the world! Best of luck!  

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